Time: April 15th, 2023 10:30 AM -1:00 PM
Location: Westlake Park
On April 15th, the opening day of the 2023 Seattle-to-Alaska cruise season, with 288 sailings scheduled and over 1 million flights through SeaTac, we said no to mega cruise ship. Our peaceful celebration of the uniqueness of the Salish Sea began at Westlake Park and wove its way though Pike Pike Market, down the stairs and over the sky bridge to the cruise terminal at Pier 66, where we had a brief die-in and speakers to contemplate all we will lose if this dirty industry is allowed to continue, calling out the real cost of this toxic and exploitative industry to people and the planet.
We made clear that the Seattle to Alaska cruise industry pollutes our waters, harms our health, and exacerbates the climate crisis, while exploiting workers, all in the name of “affordable” luxury vacations. Learn more at SeattleCruiseControl.org